JasperReports HTML Emails with Spring
Java, Maven, JasperReports, Spring Boot
JasperReports is a library entirely written in Java and it is able to use data coming from any kind of data source and produce pixel-perfect documents that can be viewed, printed or exported in a variety of document formats including HTML, PDF, Excel, OpenOffice and Word.
We will look at two types of HTML emails that can be sent with Spring’s abstraction of JavaMail
- HTML email with no inline
- HTML email with inline (using image resources)
Generally when sending emails as HTML with Spring, you can use Thymeleaf
, Freemaker
etc to template your HTML.
In this post we will look at how to achieve the same thing using JasperReports
What we will not be doing in this post is how to send attachments with Spring’s abstraction of JavaMail
Project Structure
At the end of this guide our folder structure will look similar to the following:
| |__main/
| | |__java/
| | | |__com/
| | | | |__juliuskrah/
| | | | | |__jasper/
| | | | | | |__Application.java
| | | | | | |__ApplicationProperties.java
| | | | | | |__mail/
| | | | | | | |__EmailService.java
| | | | | | | |__HtmlEmailService.java
| | | | | | | |__JasperReportsService.java
| | | | | | | |__ReportService.java
| | | | | | |__storage/
| | | | | | | |__FileSystemStorageService.java
| | | | | | | |__StorageException.java
| | | | | | | |__StorageFileNotFoundException.java
| | | | | | | |__StorageService.java
| | |__resources/
| | | |__reports/
| | | | |__html_inline.jrxml
| | | | |__html.jrxml
| | | |__application.yaml
| | | |__cherry.png
| | | |__logo.png
How to complete this guide
To complete this guide, download (zip| tar.gz) and unzip the source repository for this guide. You also need to set the following environment variables:
HTML Mail without Inline
Download and extract the base project if you haven’t already done so. Create the class HtmlEmailService
implements the EmailService
. We will implement sendHtmlEmail()
for the time being:
public class HtmlEmailService implements EmailService {
private final JavaMailSender javaMail;
private final ApplicationProperties properties;
public HtmlEmailService(JavaMailSender javaMail, ApplicationProperties properties) {
this.javaMail = javaMail;
this.properties = properties;
public void sendHtmlEmail(String recipient, String html) {
final MimeMessage message = javaMail.createMimeMessage();
try {
final MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, "UTF-8");
// Set to true for HTML
helper.setText(html, true);
} catch (MessagingException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// Implementation details omitted for brevity
The @Async
annotation tells the Spring
Framework to run the methods of EmailService
asynchrousnously when invoked.
The html
of sendHtmlEmail()
parameter contains the HTML markup.
Next we need to implement the ReportService
public class JasperReportsService implements ReportService {
private final StorageService storageService;
public JasperReportsService(StorageService storageService) {
this.storageService = storageService;
public String generateHtmlReport(String inputFileName, Map<String, Object> params) {
return generateHtmlReport(inputFileName, params, new JREmptyDataSource());
public String generateHtmlReport(String inputFileName, Map<String, Object> params,
JRDataSource dataSource) {
byte[] bytes = null;
JasperReport jasperReport = null;
try (ByteArrayOutputStream byteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
// Check if a compiled report exists
if (storageService.jasperFileExists(inputFileName)) {
jasperReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader
// Compile report from source and save
else {
String jrxml = storageService.loadJrxmlFile(inputFileName);
jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jrxml);
// Save compiled report. Compiled report is loaded next time
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, params, dataSource);
Exporter<ExporterInput, HtmlReportConfiguration, HtmlExporterConfiguration, HtmlExporterOutput> exporter;
// HTML exporter
exporter = new HtmlExporter();
// Set output to byte array
exporter.setExporterOutput(new SimpleHtmlExporterOutput(byteArray));
// Set input source
exporter.setExporterInput(new SimpleExporterInput(jasperPrint));
// Export to HTML
bytes = byteArray.toByteArray();
catch (JRException | IOException e) {
return new String(bytes);
// Implementation details omitted for brevity
Let’s test sending a HTML mail. Be sure to set your SMTP configuration properties in application.yaml
public class Application {
private final ReportService reportService;
private final EmailService emailService;
private final ApplicationProperties properties;
public Application(ReportService reportService, EmailService emailService, ApplicationProperties properties) {
this.reportService = reportService;
this.emailService = emailService;
this.properties = properties;
// ...
@Scheduled(cron = "${com.juliuskrah.cron}")
void sendHTMLEmail() {
Set<Recipient> recipients = properties.getMail().getRecipients();
for (Recipient recipient : recipients) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("username", recipient.getUsername());
String html = reportService.generateHtmlReport("html", params);
emailService.sendHtmlEmail(recipient.getEmail(), html);
The html
String parameter is specified by
). Before you execute, do not forget
to set the values of com.juliuskrah.cron
and com.juliuskrah.mail.recipients[0].email
in the configuration file.
Be sure to set an appropriate cron
Jasper HTML Email
Not very elegant, but you get the general idea.
HTML Mail with Inline
Generating HTML in JasperReports with image resources is a bit tricky. JasperReports handles the image resources
separately before associating them to the HTML.
We will implement the generateInlineHtmlReport()
to handle the image resources.
The implementation of generateInlineHtmlReport()
is similar to generateHtmlReport()
. I will just highlight the
code change. You can view the full implementation in the linked file below:
public class JasperReportsService implements ReportService {
// ...
public List<Object> generateInlineHtmlReport(String inputFileName,
Map<String, Object> params, JRDataSource jRDataSource) {
// ...
// This will be populated with the image name, and byte[] resource
Map<String, byte[]> resourcesMap = new HashMap<>();
SimpleHtmlExporterOutput htmlExporterOutput = new SimpleHtmlExporterOutput(byteArray);
htmlExporterOutput.setImageHandler(new MapHtmlResourceHandler((resourcesMap)) {
public String getResourcePath(String id) {
// Add the Content ID
return "cid:" + id;
exporter.setExporterInput(new SimpleExporterInput(jasperPrint));
String html = new String(byteArray.toByteArray());
// Add the populated map
return result;
Implement the sendHtmlEmail()
overload that can handle inline resources:
public class HtmlEmailService implements EmailService {
// ...
public void sendHtmlEmail(String recipient, String html, Map<String, byte[]> imageSource) {
// Set true for inline
final MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, true, "UTF-8");
// ...
// Set to true for HTML
helper.setText(html, true);
for(Entry<String, byte[]> val : imageSource.entrySet()) {
helper.addInline(val.getKey(), new ByteArrayResource(val.getValue()), "image/png");
Test the inline email:
public class Application {
// ...
@Scheduled(cron = "${com.juliuskrah.inline-cron}")
void sendInlineHTMLEmail() {
Set<Recipient> recipients = properties.getMail().getRecipients();
for (Recipient recipient : recipients) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("username", recipient.getUsername());
List<Object> result = reportService.generateInlineHtmlReport("html_inline", params);
String html = (String) result.get(0);
Map<String, byte[]> imageSource = (Map<String, byte[]>) result.get(1);
emailService.sendHtmlEmail(recipient.getEmail(), html, imageSource);
Set an appropriate cron expression for com.juliuskrah.inline-cron
and that’s all folks.
In this post we learned how to generate HTML mail with JasperReports with and without inline images.
As usual you can find the full example to this guide in the github repository. Until the next post, keep doing cool things .